October Garden Planning By October most people are ready to call it quits with their gardens in North Kansas City, MO, but there’s still time to enjoy the cooler weather and the fall colors. Fall color can come in many ways, so the first thing to think about is your existing landscape. Do you have
Apply Mulch at the Optimum Time When should you apply mulch in the fall? Generally, you need to wait until after a hard frost to apply winter mulch. Why should you wait until after that first frost? Well, if you put the mulch down too soon you delay the soil’s ability to freeze by retaining
Give your Spring Garden Some Unique Highlights with Fall Planting Tips! Spring planting beds often yield hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, and iris, but what if you were able to plant some more unique bulbs in the fall that will yield some beauties in the spring that aren’t so “ordinary?” There are some options that are not
Using Mulch in the Fall Mulch is primarily used in the fall and plays a very important role. You could say that mulching in the fall is critical for beautiful, healthy plants in the spring. When the trees are in full color is an ideal time to mulch. Mulch can be viewed as a warm
Set Your Containers Free in September September is usually still a relatively warm month and the soil is still moist, so it’s a good time to buy or transplant container-grown plants into a more permanent home in your Parkville, Missouri yard. Getting the container plants grounded in September gives them a good chance to get
September Pond Maintenance The beautiful pond you landscaped or added to your Kearney, Missouri hardscape will need some time and attention. As always you still want to pay particular attention to the edges of the pond to limit or eliminate any decaying materials so you don’t have an algae explosion. However, fall often requires more
Fall in Northwestern Missouri September ushers in at least the prospect of fall in our Platte City, Missouri gardens. There is a gradual shrinking of the daylight hours and the angle of the sun shifts too. Sometimes the weather mirrors August and sometimes it mirrors April or May. It’s the quality and quantity of the
Slug It to Me! Slugs and snails can cause a great deal of damage to your yard or garden. These round-the-clock destroyers must be reined in quickly before extensive damage can be done. Slugs and snails aren’t overly selective, so you aren’t just looking to protect a single species of plants. The damage they cause
Star-Studded Late Summer Bloomers August seems late to add flowers to your garden, but it really is the perfect time to add some star-studded beauties like sweet peas, Marguerites, Angel’s Fishing rod, Tassel flowers, coneflowers, bedding verbenas or late-flowering clematis to your Smithville, Missouri yard. Sweet peas are August showstoppers. These sun-loving beauties bloom from
Hedges and Trimming in the Late Summer By the time the end of August rolls around it’s time to look at trimming down your hedges. They really won’t continue to grow enough to make any additional trimming necessary as the fall rolls around. The one possible exception would be conifers; conifers may need an additional