Trimming Perennials in Smithville, Missouri
Posted by RS Landscape
Trimming Perennials in the Fall
Many plants and shrubs shouldn’t be pruned until winter. However, some perennials do better with a fall trim. Often the cold weather after the first frost makes these plants become unattractive and their condition invites disease and pests. The diseases and pests stay with the plants throughout the winter and manifest themselves in the spring. For these plants it is best to cut down the foliage in the fall. What are some of the plants you should trim in the fall?
Iris need to be cut back after the first killing frost. When their foliage flops over fungal diseases and iris borers come calling. If you have Columbine, the removal of old foliage and debris from the base of the plant sets up the plant for fresh, healthy growth come spring. A common sight in Smithville, Missouri, is the daylily. These respond well to pruning and by shearing them in the fall you save a great deal of time and messy clean-up in the spring. Peony bushes must have a good environment to set up for the luxurious spring bouquets. Naturally, the cold sets the flowers for the next year, but the removal of foliage in the fall plays a critical role in their health too. Peony foliage is susceptible to mildew and droopy foliage encourages the mildew. Prune the peonies up when the foliage turns a golden color after the first frost.
Keeping track of what to prune and when to prune it can be a chore. Let the lawn care professionals at R&S Lawn Service help you keep your fall garden in optimal health for a great spring to come. Give R&S a call today to discuss your pruning needs.