Sprinkler head spacing in Overland Park
Posted by RS Landscape
Sprinkler Head Spacing in Overland Park
Sprinkler Systems are amazing things they take the work out of keeping the plants watered. Dragging a hose around the house is never fun, so get a sprinkler system designed for your watering needs. When deciding on installing a sprinkler system there are a few factors to consider. Sprinkler head spacing in Overland Park is tricky, when you have an odd number of feet on your property line like 40ft- 45ft increments. Sprinkler head Spacing in Overland Park are deigned to project water streams up to 30 feet! This was calculated by sprinkler manufactures for Rotatory style heads. Sprinkler head spacing in Overland Park
Sprinkler Head Spacing in Overland Park Means Overlapping
When designing a sprinkler system its important that all of your heads overlap. When all of the sprinkler heads overlap in a sprinkler design it creates Match Precipitation. Match Precipitation is when the water distribution for the sprinkler heads is uniform. This means that there are no overly wet/dry areas in the zones that are designed.
Sprinkler Nozzle Sizing
Another way that we can insure equal amounts of water are distributed equally over the yard is nozzle sizing. When deciding nozzle sizes its important to keep a uniform system into the design, For example if you want to put a size 2 nozzle on a sprinkler that is rotating 90 degrees. Then on the same zone you have another sprinkler head that is rotating 180 degrees you will need to put a size 4 nozzle, 270 degrees size 6 nozzle, 360 degrees size 8 nozzle. The nozzle size increases as the degrees increase. All of the sprinkler heads turn at the same rate but with the bigger angle. So instead we need to compensate for this by adding more water coming out of the nozzle.
Why Choose R&S Lawn and Sprinkler
You should have the professionals at R&S Lawn and Sprinkler (816) 532-4999 come out and design your sprinkler system. We have had over 20 years of experience installing and repairing sprinkler systems. Its nice to know that you hired some one that has done Sprinkler head spacing in Overland Park for the past 20 years as their full time job. Each house has different water pressure and changes in elevation so its important to hire somebody that is knowledgeable about these categories. R&S Lawn and Sprinkler is certified to inspect backflows. We are also apart of the Irrigation Association of America and Hunter and Rain Bird preferred contractors.