Going Organic
Posted by RS Landscape

Getting into the garden is exciting. One of the things that you need consider is to fertilize your garden beds. Are you going to go organic in your Liberty, Missouri garden this year? One reason to consider going organic is that organic fertilizers release their nutrients more slowly than nonorganic fertilizers. This makes nutrients available to the plants at just the right moment.
An organic fertilizer comes from animal waste, manure, vegetable matter (compost) and a variety of other options, such as guano. The nutrient content varies between the different organic fertilizers because of their different sources and the amount of moisture that remains. When the fertilizer has a high moisture content there will be a lower concentration of nitrogen and phosphorous, which will be less effective for the garden.
Why choose to use an organic fertilizer? Organic fertilizers disintegrate, which overall improves the structure of the soil. It also improves the soil’s ability to absorb and hold on to water and other nutrients. Because organic fertilizers are slow-release it is hard to over fertilize and damage your plants. Organic fertilizers won’t leave a build-up of toxic chemicals and salts either.
Are there any disadvantages to using an organic fertilizer? With the good, comes the not quite as good. In this case, because the organic fertilizers require time to breakdown and release the nutrients. However, the breakdown cannot happen unless the soil is warmer. So, this means that until it warms up the organic fertilizer won’t get going unlike a chemical fertilizer. Just be patient, the extra time is worth the wait.

If you have any questions about fertilizers, feel free to call the lawn care professionals at R&S (http://rslawnsprinkler.com) for a consultation.